How to Track Multi-touch Attribution in Salesforce

Published October 28, 2016 by David Hecht
Last Updated October 27, 2020

One of the most important aspects of marketing online is understanding the effectiveness of your different channels. Google Adwords, organic search / SEO, blog posts, webinars, email newsletters, and many more — all of these can be tracked if you are using the right tools, but your leads are not just coming in via one channel.

Frequently your prospects have interacted with multiple channels online before submitting a form and becoming a lead in Salesforce. These days most buyers are able to do fairly detailed research on their own before ever making contact and identifying themselves, so this trend is only intensifying.

Therefore, at a minimum you will see many leads who originally found you from Google Adwords or another advertisement, and sometime later remembered your company or ran across some of your great content and found you via an organic search, before becoming a lead in Salesforce.

Multi-touch attribution is the term for allocating credit across your marketing channels, to help estimate the impact each different channel had in delivering a lead, rather than just giving a single source all the credit. There are a number of different ways of doing attribution, from relatively straightforward to formulas and algorithms so complicated you’ll need to retake algebra. But most of them are better than single-touch attribution, meaning allocating 100% of the credit to a single way that a prospect came to your web site, when they really visited your site multiple times from different sources.

CloudAmp’s Campaign Tracker, a Salesforce app which helps marketers track sources, keywords and campaign effectiveness, is proud to introduce multi-touch attribution in our new Version 2.4. Now you can know both the First Touch (original source of how they found you) and Last Touch (final source that brought them to your site when they submitted a form) on all Leads that go into Salesforce via your web forms, in addition to the other data such as which pages a lead viewed on your site.

Having both First Touch and Last Touch data on all of your Salesforce leads is a straightforward and uncomplicated way to handle multi-touch attribution, yet for most customers provides a very effective way of allocating and understanding marketing effectiveness across your various campaigns and channels.

And once the First and Last Touch tracking data is part of a lead in Salesforce, the attribution data moves through Salesforce’s conversion process to the Account / Contact / Opportunity. So your multi-touch attribution data survives to the converted lead, pipeline, and closed won opportunity to directly relate to revenue.

Find out more by contacting us, or sign up for a 15 day free trial of the Campaign Tracker on the Salesforce AppExchange.


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