Campaign Tracker for Google Ads & Marketing Attribution

Know the source of every lead in Salesforce.
Drive more opportunities and cut ad campaigns or keywords that don't convert!

Google Ads Configuration for Campaign Tracker

To set up the Campaign Tracker to track Google Ads into Salesforce, just add Google Analytics campaign URL parameters to your Google Ads URLs.

Just add parameters your Google Ads URLs

Update the Final URL Suffix in all your Campaigns with the campaign URL parameters as follows:

  • Final URL Suffix
  • Campaign Level


Simply replace the highlighted portions with the values you wish for your website landing page and campaign names.

NOTE: utm_term={keyword} is required for Google / Bing ads, in order to capture the search term keywords into Salesforce.

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon
  2. Click the Campaigns drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Campaigns.
  4. Click on the Settings tab.
  5. Click Additional Settings to expand the options
  6. Expand the Campaign URL Options section
  7. Enter the parameters in the Final URL suffix field.
  8. Click Save.



  • You should enable auto-tagging, in addition to the manual UTM tags you put in the final URL suffixes. This is useful for a second way of tracking offline conversions, plus enables you to report on performance in Google Analytics.

  • Additional Important Considerations

  • The manual tag &utm_term={keyword} is REQUIRED for capturing the search phrase / keyword.

  • Read more in our Guide: Campaign URL Options for Google Ads: Recommendations & Templates

  • Download our FREE Campaign URL Spreadsheet

Example URL:
  • utm_campaign = Your Ad Campaign Name
  • utm_source = GoogleAds, Facebook, etc.
  • utm_medium = PPC, Email, Display, Social, etc. (keep consistent categories)
  • utm_term = {keyword}
  • utm_content = optional, use for adgroup or text ad tracking
  • utm_id = optional, use for campaign or ad ID

For tracking specific keywords, the sample url above uses the utm_term parameter and Google's keyword insertion format to update the Final URLs of your Google Ads. utm_term is the Google Analytics campaign tag for the keyword, so use utm_term={keyword} and Google will automatically insert the keyword that triggers your ad into the URL, and it will be tracked when a visitor clicks through to your site and submits a form into Salesforce.

Note: This same URL format and {keyword} insertion works in Microsoft AdCenter as well.

Finally, Google provides a URL builder tool which some people find useful, but you can also simply copy and modify the URL above. You do not need to create the campaigns in Google Analytics ahead of time -- when a visitor arrives on your site from a Campaign tagged URL, the campaign is automatically created in Google Analytics.

That's It!

Once you have tagged and update your Google Ads URLs, just make sure you have installed the Campaign Tracker app into Salesforce, and have added the javascript tracking code to all pages of your web site.

Your web site visitors from Google Ads will now be tracked as they click around your site, and when they submit a form to Salesforce, all of the data from Ads will become part of the lead in Salesforce.

You will be able to track leads by Google Ads keyword, campaign and even adgroup or text ad (using the utm_content tag). Best of all, as leads convert to opportunities and then to closed won revenue in Salesforce, the Ads data will stay with them throughout the sales process. So you can know your Google Ads ROI inside of Salesforce, and optimize your advertising spend to know which keywords produce sales and the revenue per keyword.

Campaign Tracker for Google Ads & Marketing Attribution

Pricing: $249/Company/Month no commitment
$2490/Company/Year (2 months free)

No Per User or Per Lead Fees Ever

Free Trial: 30 Days

Discounted for Nonprofits: Yes

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