Campaign URL Options for Google Ads: Recommendations & Templates

Published November 22, 2024 by David Hecht
Last Updated November 22, 2024


Campaign URL Options in Google Ads allow you to add tracking information to your ad URLs, enabling you to track and analyze ad performance in external systems like Salesforce. 

In this guide, we’ll review how appending parameters to your ad links with Campaign URL Options gets you the data you need to optimize your campaigns effectively, how to implement Campaign URLs, and some common mistakes to avoid.

In this Guide:

Campaign URL Components
Benefits of Campaign URLs
Our Campaign URL Recommendations
Campaign URL Parameters to Use
Campaign URL Tracking Spreadsheet
Campaign URL Implementation Tips
Common Campaign URL Mistakes

Campaign URL Components

For Google Ads, you can set the Campaign URL options at the account, campaign, ad group, keyword, or sitelink level. Campaign URL options consists of three main options:

1. Tracking Templates

This field specifies the URL tracking information. When an ad is clicked, the tracking template combines with the final URL to create the landing page URL. Tracking templates are very similar to the Final URL Suffix, but can be used for Parallel Tracking in Google Ads (Parallel tracking is where the person clicking on an ad is taken to the final URL while the tracking template URL is loaded in the background.)


2. Custom Parameters

These are user-defined parameters that can be added to tracking templates and final URLs. Custom parameters allow for the collection of additional, customized data points relevant to your campaign objectives.

Most users of Google Ads will not need custom parameters, unless you have some very specific tracking requirements (as well as technology implemented on your website to capture unique parameters).


3. Final URL Suffix

In Google Ads, the Final URL Suffix field allows you to enter parameters that will be attached to the end of your landing page URL for tracking purposes. In a similar way to the Tracking Template, these parameters allow you to track information about where visitors go after they click your ad.

For simplicity, CloudAmp recommends using the Final URL Suffix to add the UTM parameters required for its Campaign Tracker app.

Both Tracking Templates and Final URL Suffix settings can be set at various levels—account, campaign, ad group, or individual ad—and use URL parameters to capture specific data about the click.


👍 Pro tip: 

While the instructions in this guide frequently reference Google Ads Campaign URL options, Campaign URLs can be used in a wide variety of online advertising, not just Google.

Campaign URL parameters in your URLs will be recorded by tools like Google Analytics and the CloudAmp Campaign Tracker, from links in places such as:

  • Microsoft Ads / Bing
  • Instagram & Facebook Ads
  • Linkedin Ads
  • Email marketing newsletters or journeys
  • Links from partner sites

Campaign URL parameters can be added to any link to your website that you can control / add parameters to, effectively providing better and more structured data on any marketing activity that is driving visitors to your website.

Benefits of Campaign URLs

Using Campaign URLs in your Google Ads and other online advertising offers many benefits. Here are a few of them:

Campaign Optimization

Adding detailed tracking data to your marketing campaigns allows you to identify which campaigns or ads are performing well and which need adjustment. 

Using a tool like CloudAmp’s Campaign Tracker, these Campaign URL values can be even passed to Salesforce when new leads are submitted. So you know exactly what campaigns and keywords are producing the most leads, conversions, and revenue.

Enhanced Tracking

By appending parameters to your URLs, you can monitor various aspects of user interactions, such as the source of the click, the device used, and the specific ad or keyword that led to the visit.

Improved Analytics

Campaign URL Options like Final URL Suffixes in Google Ads integrate with analytics tools like Google Analytics as well, improving the data you receive to understand campaign effectiveness and user behavior on your website.

CloudAmp Campaign URL Recommendations

For the CloudAmp Campaign Tracker app, as well as most marketing analytics systems, we recommend using the following configuration for your Campaign URL Options in Google Ads:

  • Final URL Suffix
  • Campaign Level


Using the Final URL Suffix, rather than tracking templates or custom parameters, keeps things simple and makes it clear what parameters are added to the end of your landing page URL.


How to enter a Final URL Suffix at the Campaign Level

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon 
  2. Click the Campaigns drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Campaigns.
  4. Click on the Settings tab.
  5. Click Additional Settings to expand the options
  6. Expand the Campaign URL Options section
  7. Enter the parameters in the Final URL suffix field.
  8. Click Save.

Google Ads Campaign URL Options Settings

More on Campaign URL Levels

You can apply Final URL Suffix values at the account, campaign, ad, ad group, dynamic ads target, and keyword levels.

Adding Final URL Suffixes at the Campaign level in Google Ads, rather than at the Account or other level provides several benefits. The Campaign level provides enough granularity to specify each utm_campaign as the name of that Google Ads campaign.

And the Campaign level helps you avoid conflicts between different tagging levels. There are so many different places to set URL options, it can be hard to keep them all straight in Google Ads. 

Consistently using the Campaign level rather than a level above (Account) or below (Adgroup, ad level, dynamic ads target, keyword level, or sitelink level) makes Final URL Suffixes far easier to manage.

Google Ads Final URL Suffix Setting



Campaign URL Parameters to Use

For tracking tools like CloudAmp, URL parameters are required to track information about a click. The parameters that should be used in your Final URL Suffix are the following: 

Required UTM Parameters

  • utm_campaign = Your Ad Campaign Name
  • utm_source = GoogleAds, Facebook,BingAds – the source site
  • utm_medium = PPC, Email, Display, Social – the ad category
  • utm_term = {keyword}

Optional UTM Parameters

  • utm_content = use for adgroup or creative info
  • utm_id = use for campaign or other id

Example URL with UTM Parameters

URL parameters are made of a key and a value separated by an equals sign (=) and joined by an ampersand (&). The parameters always come after a question mark in a URL.{Keyword}


When adding parameters to URLs, there are two separators used:

? separates the primary URL from the parameters (if you delete everything after the ?, you still end up on the same page)

& separates the different parameter key / value pairs


So for each parameter, its name is followed by an equal sign and then the value you wish to set it to:

  • utm_source=GoogleAds

And the parameter value pairs are separated by &

  • utm_source=GoogleAds&utm_medium=PPC

Certain parameter values can be automatically inserted by Google Ads and Bing Ads. For that to work, a value in brackets is used, such as {keyword}

  • utm_term={keyword} will insert the actual keyword value after the = sign.


Parameter Strings for the Final URL Suffix

To create the parameter string to put in the Final URL Suffix in a Google Ads campaign, simply add together utm parameters, equal signs, and a value, separated by &



If you don’t want to create these values by hand, the free spreadsheet in the next section will help you build them automatically!

Campaign URL Tracking Spreadsheet

Generating Campaign URLs for Google Ads can be tricky, even if you are very familiar with the format discussed in the previous section. Typos are easy to make, and remembering to enter values for all 4-6 different parameters is a chore.

In addition, keeping track of different URLs you have used is critical, so you have consistency in naming your campaigns, sources, and mediums. Otherwise your data can get very messy.


Free Spreadsheet Download

For this reason, CloudAmp has published a FREE, downloadable Google Sheet for creating and tracking Campaign URLs.

Just make a copy of the spreadsheet, enter the values you want, and it will automatically generate a final URL and Final URL suffix for you.

Free Google Sheets Campaign URL creation and tracking download

Campaign URL Implementation Tips

Now that you understand the Campaign URL parameters, and how to create and track them in a spreadsheet, here are some tips for implementing URLs across your advertising.


Consistent Structure

Maintain a consistent format for your tracking templates, in terms of the values and types of words you use. Name Campaigns in a consistent way, and identify the types of Mediums you will use across all marketing campaigns to be able to properly analyze those in the future.



It is always a good idea to click on 100% of all links you create, to make sure they properly resolve to your web site. You can also use the “Test” function in Google Ads to verify that your URLs lead to the correct landing pages and that tracking parameters are functioning as intended.


Google Ad Review

Setting up URL options at the ad group, campaign, or account level allows you to update your tracking information without resubmitting your ads for approval. CloudAmp recommends using Final URL suffix at the Campaign Level.

Keep in mind that if you set up or edit Campaign URL options at the ad, keyword, or sitelink level, they will need to go through Google’s review, which can delay things.


Make sure that all tracking URLs use HTTPS and that any redirects are server-side to comply with Google Ads policies.


🖐️ Looking for Help?

 If you could use assistance with Salesforce and tracking which ads produce your best leads, look no further. Included with an affordable monthly app subscription, CloudAmp provides help with URLs, website implementation, and setting it all up in Salesforce.

No big budget consulting engagements required, just responsive and personalized support for making sense of Salesforce and marketing attribution. Contact us today!

Common Campaign URL Mistakes

Here are some common mistakes you could make when setting up Campaign URL Parameters and Options in Google Ads. Some errors will lead to tracking issues, but others will simply make your data messy or difficult to analyze. Here are some of the typical errors:

Incorrect Parameter Formatting

  • Mistake: Missing ? or & in URLs when appending parameters.
  • Impact: URLs may break or redirect incorrectly, leading to tracking errors or 404 errors.
  • Solution: Always validate the URL structure and use tools like CloudAmp’s free spreadsheet to generate properly formatted URLs.

Inconsistent Case

  • Mistake: Using inconsistent capitalization in parameter values (e.g., utm_medium=Email vs. utm_medium=email).
  • Impact: Results in fragmented data in analytics tools.
  • Solution: Use a standardized naming convention (preferably all lowercase) for parameter values.

Inconsistent Naming

  • Mistake: Using inconsistent naming in parameter values (e.g., utm_source=GoogleAds vs. utm_source=GoogleAdwords).
  • Impact: Results in fragmented data in analytics tools, since these values are seen as 2 different sources.
  • Solution: Use a standardized naming convention for parameter values, and use tools like CloudAmp’s spreadsheet  to reference past naming when creating new URLs.

Not Testing URL Parameters

  • Mistake: Failing to test final URLs after implementing parameters.
  • Impact: Broken or misdirected links that frustrate users and waste ad spend.
  • Solution: Use the “Test” feature in Google Ads and manual testing (click on 100% of your URLs) to ensure parameters work correctly.

Not Using HTTPS

  • Mistake: Using non-secure HTTP URLs in the final URL or tracking template.
  • Impact: Ad policies may disapprove the ad, or users may receive security warnings.
  • Solution: Always use HTTPS for landing pages and tracking URLs.

Redundant or Conflicting Tracking at Multiple Levels

  • Mistake: Setting tracking templates at the account, campaign, ad group, and ad levels simultaneously without coordination.
  • Impact: Conflicting parameters can overwrite or lead to inconsistencies in tracking data.
  • Solution: We recommend using Final URL Suffix values at the Campaign level.

Avoiding these mistakes ensures accurate tracking, better insights, and more effective optimization of your Google Ads campaigns.


CloudAmp is here to answer your Campaign URL tracking questions, with no charge or obligation. Contact us any time. 

And if you are using Salesforce, we are experts in helping companies make sense of Campaign data there as well. The CloudAmp Campaign Tracker is an affordable monthly subscription, and has a 30 day no obligation trial so you can test it out in Salesforce.

To get more data about your Leads in Salesforce, including full source attribution and page view data to prove ROI and improve your marketing, contact us for more information today.



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