The Campaign Tracker can work with any web site forms that post leads to Salesforce.
The “cloudamp__data__c” hidden field simply needs to be added to the form.
- If you are using the HTML forms provided by Salesforce (under Setup > Leads > Web-to-Lead), then the Campaign Tracker will automatically see them and insert a hidden field with the tracking data.
- If you are using other types of forms, just add the hidden field manually and map it to the “data” field on the Lead object in Salesforce.
- Certain types of forms, such as GravityForms and JotForm, change the names of the fields (eg. “cloudamp__data__c” becomes “input_7”). In these cases, the CloudAmp tracking script needs to be modified slightly. Please see the section on GravityForms in our documentation PDF for more information.
- Note that in order to pass tracking data, your form code will need to be part of the HTML in your web page. Forms served via javascript, or in iframes will not work.