The Campaign Tracker categorizes leads based on the same terms as Google Analytics. Leads are assigned one of 4 different “Lead Source Types” as follows:
- Campaign: The incoming URL contained UTM tags, such as utm_source, utm_campaign, etc. and is therefore categorized as part of a campaign
- Organic: The visitor was referred by a search engine such as Google, and clicked on the regular results (not on an advertisement)
- Referral: The visitor was referred by a link on another website. (Links that have been tagged with campaign variables won't show up as [referral] )
- Direct: The visitor came to your site by by typing the URL directly into their web browser. 'Direct' can also refer to a visitor who clicked on a link from their bookmarks/favorites, untagged links within emails, or links from documents that don't include tracking variables (such as PDFs or Word documents).